Work: startup weekend is happening right now

There are many young people with excellent skills in programming, design, social marketing. They just do those things because they like it and too often study something completely different at the same time. There is a chance to turn those e-skills into their next job, or even better – their next startup! And this chance has come to Sofia for a second time this year.

We are talking about Sofia Startup Weekend. A 54-hour event which collects ideas and skills of enthusiasts in programming, marketing and design and turns them into a new business. It happens simply and fast: anyone with a business idea pitches it in front of the other guys. Then the audience is choosing the best ideas and groups in several small teams to start working together on them. The teams have a weekend to prepare a business plan, specification of their startup product, create it and promote it with a presentation in front of the jury. Did you ever imagine starting your own business this way? It happens.

If you are not sure about the reward from this, here is a very short list:

+ you can meet talented and active young people who want to start something new and have the skills to do it;

+ you can participate in the process of starting a new company; product development planning and execution;

+ you can explore yourself in this really strenuous situation;

+ you can find your next team;

+ you can find a job;

+ you can start a new company;

+ you can learn new skills…

Keep an eye on the website and don’t miss the next weekend!

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