Education: career paths

There is a significant gap between the employers and the newly trained specialists finishing their University studying. There was a publication by the leading HR companies like Manpower and Jobtiger, where was stated the problem of not finding skilled professionals in some fields. Surely, there are a lot of reasons for that, but one of them is the lack of clear career paths in Bulgaria. Most of young people in schools and universities are struggling to decide what to do with their lives because of the lack of information and also, are struggling to find job in their professional field simply because the employers are looking for different skills. Continue reading

Education: moodle and other platforms in BG universities

Online tools and systems in universities are a common practice all over the world, but our recent research found that it is not the case in Bulgarian biggest universities. A research with students from some of the most wanted universities like Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Medical University Sofia, Technical University Sofia, Shumen University “Konstantin Preslavski”, New Bulgarian University, University of National and World Economy Sofia and the National Academy for theatre and film arts showed surprisingly bad results when it comes to an online system like moodle. Continue reading