E-skills: several ways to improve your e-skills for free

Many people do not even think about getting to know a bit more the programming languages, saying this is simply not for them. Well, just because you are not planning to become a programmer, doesn’t mean you have to be isolated from the technology. After all you live in 2013 and if you want to have strong hard skills when applying for your next job, you should consider at least trying to understand how they work together. Then, working with developers would be much easier.

The good news is that you do not need to pay for that knowledge, and you definitely do not need to study informatics in the university. Here are several tips what online tools to use in order to start and improve your e-skills. It’s not that hard once you have a goal.

I will start with quite inspiring project of a girl with art background. People with art background do not have that analytical thinking like the guys keen on maths. What that means is that if she can do it, than you can do it too. Check out Jennifer Dewalt’s project 180 websites in 180 days

Codecademy is a website where you can start learning the basics from the scratch. They have great tutorials about front-end and back-end stuff. If you haven’t tried html, css, javascript, php or ruby before, you can start right away there.

It is all about experimenting. Once you get the basics, you need to spend more time on trying different stuff with your new knowledge. Do not forget that if you have any questions, you can ask Google. It should be the first place to look for answers, because in most of the times someone already solved your issue. You can also always check how something should look like in html, css, javascript etc. on W3Schools – they have a lot of examples and tutorials as well.

When it comes to the software you have to instal, one of the best editors is Sublime Text. You can check out this tutorial to make sure it is right for you.

Once you start creating stuff, try to improve it all the time and create your portfolio. Nowadays great examples of your work is much more worthy than certificates and diplomas from coding courses and schools.

Article: People below 25 don’t do anything?

Recent statistics overview made us think of a really significant problem: 40% of the young people up to 25 years are not occupied in working or studying at the moment. What are these Bulgarian youngsters doing then?

It does not says in which cities are these 40% located, but the number is significant and some solution should already have been found. Here is more of the statistics analysis:

– more than 60% of the occupied young people are working on low qualified jobs in bars, shops, security; Continue reading

Gamification: make your own game!

We have a new topic on board – how to make your game easily using online platform? We have Peter Petrov, who is working on a multiplatform game engine with integrated development environment. Here are few words by him:

Tell us about you? A little bit about your background?

First of all, Hello! I am Peter Petrov – a game developer and a game engine developer. I’m a student of Computer science in Burgas Free University – Bachelor level and Multimedia technologies – master level. My hobby is gaming, game development and creativity. Professionally, I used to work 4+ years in the Web industry, however I don’t like web development, unless it is game related. My primary objective is to raise the level of my life, to establish a game design and development company and to make decent and good general-purpose game engine and IDE. My wish is also to be able to contribute the open source world with decent open-source and commercial quality game engine. Continue reading

Work: startup weekend is happening right now

There are many young people with excellent skills in programming, design, social marketing. They just do those things because they like it and too often study something completely different at the same time. There is a chance to turn those e-skills into their next job, or even better – their next startup! And this chance has come to Sofia for a second time this year. Continue reading

Work: finding a good tradesman is always difficult

Not being able to find a good tradesman online is an obvious gap in the Bulgarian online field. It is not only that tradesman don’t really use Internet at a professional level, but also there was no platform to help you promote yourself and find customers.

The guys behind MaisterPlus.com have a solution though. Continue reading